Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Home From Denver and Building Back Routine

Denver, Colorado

I feel the need to update my blog but not much exciting to return although I returned to regular running even though a much lower volume. I am running and feeling good overall. I feel like I have recovered well from Grandmas. I feel bless to recovery so quickly from marathons.

I also went to Denver for a week to visit friends with my kids so that keep me mellow and  not thinking about training or running. Yes, I did run a few times but all in the 3-4 mile range and easy. This week is a good the gets me into regular running routine again. I love the routine nature of training and it helps me to be organized and focused. When I am in down period, I tend to feel scattered and unfocus which for me is unsettling. But alas, the return to routine is back!! Yippee!!

I promised myself at the beginning of the summer or rather May when summer kicks into high gear that there would be NO WHINING about it this summer. I was going to stay focused and happy regardless of the outside conditions. I have done a pretty good job of that and when it is too hot out, I have just happily taken to the treadmill. I have picked up a few strategies to keep me from dwelling on the heat. Like I got out as little as possible in it so it does not remind me of the heat. I keep my bedroom very cool so I am always "geez, it is cold" and I take ice packs with me to the gym when I run on the treadmill to keep my core temp down.

So half though summer, I get 5 stars for the efforts made to stay happy and positive training this summer. Yay - ME!!!!

Goal for rest of the summer is as follows -

My Daily Routine Get Up

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