Sunday, July 7, 2013

Traveling Plans

Travel often..

At the beginning of the year, I had a goal of traveling more. Not just for races but to see family and friends across the country. This year is turning out to be exactly as I hoped. It is exciting to plan my adventures on the horizon but also to savor the memories created.

We started the year of with a cruise and follow it up with a family trip to Boston, a June marathon trip with a friend to Duluth, tomorrow I depart for Denver, CO with my children to visit friends, than at the end of August a trip to California to race a half marathon and visit with my sister while traveling to coastal cities like Carmel, Monterrey, San Francisco and rounding out the trip in Wine Country.  In September, I am making a trip to Detroit to run and spend time with Dad, Mom and my other sister and her family. I am still up in the air on Chicago in October as I am registered for the marathon. It is not my goal race of the year but there is a part of me that wants to experience the race and take my kids to place like the American Girl Store and Wrigley Field. If I decided to run it than it would 100% as training run but we have to see how I recover and see if we can get my health optimal before we add that into the training schedule but it fits with my goals of travel for the year. My kids have never been to Chicago!

My children absolutely to love to travel especially Christian! It is in their blood and they are very good travelers. They look forward to the adventures as much as I do. Where will life take us next?

travel quotes - Google Search

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