Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Years excitement

Wow. Well said.

Wow! I woke up excited today! I woke up thinking about my workout yesterday and excited for more workouts like that :-) It was a 2X4 mile with 2 minutes Rest. One of my favorite workouts. I went into with a general range in mind but with the flexibility to allow whatever pace felt the right effort to be the guide. Just a bit from 2 weeks after Kiawah and a fluctuating thyroid, I had no idea what I could run so I let it come to me. I thought if I could run 7:25-7:35 that would be a good run.

The first set of 4 miles felt a bit tough like I was working hard but I really think the wind was a huge factor. It felt like I was being tossed around and I had lots of resistance to work with. It was a cross wind so I never really had the wind at my back. During the 2 minute rest, I tied my shoe and grabbed a quick drink not even sure I took 2 minutes. I started up again and it felt so much easier in the second set which is always a good thing.

7:29, 7:35, 7:33, 7:31 - 7:32 avg

7:11, 7:18, 7:22, 7:07 - 7:14 avg

Supremely happy the result of the workout. It was enough to get myself use to more aerobic threshold running but not too hard so I will recover quickly enough from it.

This is exactly the workout and result I needed to stay excited and motivated in the weeks to come. Need to recover from this effort so I can put in another workout on Friday.

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