Sunday, March 9, 2014

80 miles Ya'all

Susie Allen Origami Owl Independent Designer 51831, Find my Facebook Page at , or online at

I am so excited to have reach this milestone this week. 80 miles ya'all!!

I knew I wanted to this training segment to be set up differently. More focus on the things that build my confidence, love of training and overall happiness. I decide to not use my coach of the past year and to go at alone while structuring my runs all based on how I felt day to day, week to week, month to month with no pressure without a coach to answer to.

I have been the happiest in my training than I have been in years. I am excited for my runs. I do not fear them or not having the energy to get after it. I generally excited to wake up and run whatever the day holds for me.

It has been freeing to say the least.

I have had a very consistent and solid last 5 weeks where I have averaged 70 mpw for the last 5 weeks. I have had one big/hard workout a week, one moderate workout a week and a long run with several easy and recovery days between these runs.

The story behind these numbers is just plain happiness! Happiness to be running regularly and enjoying all the miles.

Smiles and Miles People!!
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  1. Very much agreed that a break from strict training schedule is nice. More than that, you are building and strength and confidence that will lead to super duper racing down the road. Keep up the good work!

  2. that's awesome lady!!! you give me HOPE!!!! about to post about the little itty bitty runs i've done in the last week:)
