Thursday, May 1, 2014

Believe. Obey. Endure

I have been wanting to write something in my blog lately and have not been sure of the topic but something came to mind today while hammering a hard workout.

Simply reminding myself to Obey. Believe. Endure

Believe, Obey, Endure - President Thomas S. Monson given in the General Young Women Meeting on March 24, 2012.

I can go through times where I even doubt the course I have set sail on. I have worked my tail off in the last 2 years and have not had a race time yet to prove how fit I am. I still on occasion go through swings in hormone levels which makes running to my potential impossible. I so do not like having explain to friends and family that are cheering me on that my hormone levels are off and so my race sucked. Sometimes I let the frustration and doubt be bigger than my Belief and Faith. 

But I also know I am on the right path and I need to stay the course no matter how many times it does not work out. I know that all my hard work is making a difference and that one day it will all come together if I believe. obey and endure.

Back to my workouts today when I visited the hurt locker and used this mantra to give me strength to run this workout - 
4 miles easy, than fartlek 3x(3 minutes @ 6:03 pace, 2 minutes @ 5:56, 90 seconds @5:52, 1 minute @5:49 pace with equal recovery jog) 1 mile cool-down 

These are the days that keep me going and remind me that it is all worth it!

Persevere-the will to overcome any obstacle you may have in front of you.

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