Sunday, June 1, 2014

Back to Training: Week in Review


So I did take 2 days off after Bayshore as I was surprised at how recovered I felt both with my body and energy levels. I had planned to take 3-4 days off but energy was high and I was ready to go.

All week I feel good but kept it easy and mileage light.

Monday OFF
Tuesday 5 easy
Wednesday 6 Easy & Pilates Class
Thursday 7 with 7 X 90 second fartleks @ 6:30 pace
Friday 5 Easy
Saturday YOGA
Sunday 10 easy

Mileage total - 33 miles

Body feels good overall. Just the calves a bit tight and massage next week should help me work through that.

Looking forward to running more next week! I am excited about the next step in my journey.

A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving. - See more at:

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