Monday, December 5, 2011

Bam! There it is..

Okay the writing has on the wall for several weeks and coach confirmed it this AM! My revised time for Houston will be sub 3:30. What!! I know! It is exciting and terrifying at the same time. He has been hinting around in many ways for weeks about it - first it was "you are ahead of schedule", than it is was "you are WAY ahead of schedule" and than there was the "you have officially jump into an entire new fitness range". I think on some level I knew it but to have official is beyond words!! Part of me though is like wait "Jeff - are you sure? How do you know for sure?" but than I utimately have to Trust him as has coached 100s of runners and many being of the elite and sub-elite level to know for sure. If Jeff tells me I am ready for sub-3:30, I have to trust him! He has not been wrong yet! He has always prepared me for exactly for what he thought I could accomplish, he has never been overly ambitious but rather cautous, he has been within seconds of what he projected my finishing times at my last 3 races.
With that I have to get mentally siked to prove my fitness at Kiawah so that I have the confidence to go Houston with this new goal!!!! Freakin sub 3:30 - can you say sub-8 minutes miles for 26.2!!!!
Don't ever let anyone tell you that hardwork, faith and perservenace don't pay off!!!
“To succeed, all you need to do is get up one more time than you fall down.” — Unknown

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