Sunday, December 4, 2011

Cutback Week

My cutback week went well. Funny I think I experienced some lingering muscle tightness all week from the 22 miler which the lower mileage seem to help resolve. In the beginning of the week, I felt pretty beat up & tight in lots of places calves, quads, hamstrings, hips, ITband..just about everywhere :-) I was diligent to do the little things like stretching, sticking, foam rolling, got a great massage and by yesterday I started feeling good. Woke up this AM feeling like I tapered for 2 weeks! Ah :-) Nice feeling after a hard workout yesterday 6 X 1 mile @ 10K pace with 60 second rest. Loved the work out as my body easily found a rhythm and sailed through them without feeling fatigued.
M - 7 Recovery
T - 8 Easy
W - 1 W/U, 4 X 2 Mile @ HMP, 1 C/D = 10 Miles
T - Rest
F - 9 Miles + Strides
S - 2 W/U, 6 X 1 Mile 7:07, 7:08, 7;07, 7:04, 7:04, 6:56, 2 C/D = 10 Miles
S - 6 Recovery
Total Mileage - 50 Miles
Nothing like a cutback week with no long run to make you feel revived and ready to attack the final 6 weeks.

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