Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Rainy Tuesday

Well it is pouring rain here and I am getting ready for an easy 8 miles outdoors in this wonderful weather. Still pretty low in energy and wish I could have sleep like 3 more hours this morning. I spoke with my coach about how tired I have been feeling. Yes, I was able to gut out 8 miles yesterday but it wasn't easy. Today I have another 8 so I know the energy may still not be there. He said he expected me to be this tired and than he had planned for me to go into my taper feeling very fatigued. WOW! It worked :-) He thinks I should start to feel better by Wednesday and progressively over the week to beginning of next start feeling really good.
We sort of discussed my race pace and race plans and that is really exciting to have nailed down so I can focus on my goals. I have both a outcome goal which as many of you know is sub 3:30 & top 100 women and process goal of enjoying the race, running with joy, smiling, staying calm, confident and focused.
It is nice to know that all the work has been done and I am just really working at getting back my legs and energy. Than staying fresh!
"Aim for the top. There is plenty of room there. There are so few at the top it is almost lonely there." Samuel Insull

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