Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Sunny Wednesday

So happy to have woken up to a brilliantly sun day, Nick's home to watch the kids as I head out for my last real tough workout before Houston. I have 12 miles on tap this afternoon with 8 mile tempo after my warm-up. I don't expect this to be run to be real tough as the first 4 are at MP and Last 4 are at HMP. I have be cautioned not to kill it :-) This is not the time to be going over the edge. This workout is just sort of to remind me how to work without much, keep the legs turnovering with taxing all my systems too greatly. The hay is the barn already and there is little to be gained by push too hard.
It is hard to tell if I will feel strong today during my run. The fatigue from the weekend really carried over through yesterday and into Monday & Tuesdays run. I had another morning trying hard to get up but again thankfully Nick was home so I didn't push myself out of bed till 9AM. Yep that's right!! That is about 10 hours of sleep!! Goal sleep for the next 2 weeks is 8-9 hrs of sleep. So when the kids go back to school and Nick back to work I need to be in bed by 9PM to get this much sleep. All this sleep will help my body & mind recover from the last 8 weeks and be fresh. It will also be good to have been so rest going into the final week as sleep in the days before the race maybe elusive.
I haven't had nerves yet at all but I really think I am just too tired and the holidays are a bit of distraction. I am hoping that I can put off taper madness till the days before the race and by then I will be so excited by the Olympic Trials that there will be no nerves. One can hope :-)

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