Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Today I am really relaxing before the the trip begins. I have the day where I didn't make any commits and I can really take the quiet time which has been so nice and it not even 11AM. I am still in my PJs drinking my coffee.

As I have said before I find solitude for me is a place where I can go to restore myself and gather energy. This time alone remind of the song of my favorite college era singers - Alanis - Thank you! I love the verse when she sings -

Thank you India
Thank you terror
Thank you disillusionment
Thank you frailty
Thank you consequence
Thank you, thank you silence

I have always been sort of loner this way. I was talking to my mom about my enjoyment of being alone lately. She reminded me that when I was a child I was actually very quiet natured not shy but she but she I would go off to be alone away from other children and she would often find me alone in my room. It is neat to see a glimpse into essence of yourself as a child as I think those things do not change but we as adults try to change in order to fit into our world and conform to what others want us to be for their needs.

Anyway it so nice this AM with the rain, quiet and coffee.

I feel like everything is falling into place so I can enjoy every aspect of this trip. It was neat as Nick's schedule this week as allowed him more flexiblity than most weeks and he is super relaxed which allows me to be more relaxed. Rather than having a demanding workload which bring him home a bit frazzeled lately - he was scheduled to been in a training semniar all week. He is relaxed and happy to help me this week which has been a godsend. Yesterday after my sweet Joey had her like 4th crying epidsode, my nerves were starting to fray. Nick says go relax I will finish dinner with them. Tear :-) Just what I needed to be let off the hook.

I think all these relaxed vibes we got going in the Dodge household will allow me to fully enjoy every moment of our Houston adventure.

Goal - Live in the moment and enjoy the journey!!

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