Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I want to thank all of you!

Lately I have been feeling this immense amount of gratitude for this journey that I am on. Sometimes if I think about it and the people surrounding me in this journey I will feel an overwhelming amount of gratitude that will start an emotional outpouring of tears on my part. I have felt so many times in the last month or two. It is truly good life when you are so happy that you can cry thinking about all the blessings in your life.

Just today on my way to visit my massage gal Katie for my last pre-race massage (tissue realignment session) I started crying thinking I could not have gotten this far without her. She has been with me on this journey for over a year or longer. She has seen me when I was emotionally wrecked with disappointment and frustration. She has been a tremendeous part of this training segment in keeping my body healthy. I see her couple times a month and lately it has been more often due to heavyload of high mileage on my muscles. She promised to stay with me as far as I go on this jounrey. I feel like she is a gift to helping my dreams come true.

Thank you everyone who has listen to me, supported me, sent me notes of support, kindness shown and graciously given me the space to purse my dreams. It truly has helped so thank you for being there!

Whatever happens in Houston I am a much happier & content me for the process! Houston is a celebration of finding the dream. I am not afraid but truly excited and ready for the opportunity to realize my potential.

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