Monday, January 2, 2012

Mileage Journey

I was just pondering how all the mileage of this training cycle is going to help me in 12 days.

This has been the most intense and by far the most miles I have ever logged in my marathon preps. I have run 12 marathons in the past 3 years and I am reflecting on each of those marathon training cycles. My first training cycle in which I really had no idea what I was doing average 25-35 mpw for 6-8 weeks of training I hit my 4:05, ran another 5 weeks later hit 4:01 and than 5 weeks later 3:57. Took a good 5 month break and started up training again and knew a few more things this time I trained for 12 weeks and reached the high of 48 miles averaging 35-40 miles for those weeks. In the Fall of 2009, I ran 3:52 at Marine Corp and than 7 weeks later ran 3:46:19 - 20 seconds shy of my BQ. And those weeks in between were low mileage due to nursing a piriformis issue so I peaked at 30 miles in the weeks between those 2 marathons. The second time I hit 3:46 in April 2010 I was also running lower mileage while trying to come back after a hip flexor injury that came on in Jan 2010. So after reflecting back on my previous training cycles, I am excited to see what running in the 50-70s for 4 months will make the marathon feel like especially in those final miles. I remember feeling very strong when in the Fall 2009 on making the jump to 40s.

Houston Lets Roll!

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