Sunday, January 1, 2012

Slow Your Roll & Week in Reveiw

Well after gettting the green light from Coach Jeff to run on my funky shin. I headed out for my recovery run on a warm afternoon on New Years Day. My first mile was sluggish but it was also up the biggest in hill we got in Baxter. Shin felt good after the first mile so I breathed a sy of relief and picked up the pace a bit and shin was still fine. By mile 3, I was rolling and had to remind myself it was a recovery run and this is where the slow your roll comes in. I just kept having to pull myself back when I got to far away from my recovery pace. I felt a couple twinges in the shin area but I would say my quick TLC of it yesterday after the run has helped it feel 93% better.
My first week of my taper looked like this -
M - 8 Easy
T - 8 Easy & Strides
W - 12 Miles - 2 W/U, 8 Mile Tempo, 2 C/D
T - Rest
F - 7 Easy
S - 15 Easy
S - 6 Recover
Total Miles = 56

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