Sunday, May 27, 2012

Week In Review

Phewy - I made it though after a busy arse week.

Monday - (AM) 8 easy (PM) 4 easy
Tuesday - 2 W/U, 2 @ 6:50, 12X400, 2 @ 7:00, 1 C/D
Wednesday - 6 Recovery
Thursday - (AM) 10 Easy & (PM) 4 easy
Friday - 2 W/U, 7 Mile Progression, 1 C/D
Saturday - (AM) 6 easy & (PM) 4 easy
Sunday - 16 easy

Total Miles = 78 miles

Glad to close the books on this week. Too busy for my taste..Ah next week is a cutback week which I think is much needed to rest and restock my energy stores both physically & mentally.

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