Friday, June 1, 2012

Just life...

I haven't wrote much this week due to life outside of running just being busy and it is a down week so I am less focused on running. In fact, the extra rest makes me feel like I am on vacation. I think it has been very good for me overall to have some shorter and less demanding runs. I feel very much rested and recovered from last week. I should hit 57 miles over the weekend for the week which is amazing that is a recovery week for me and I feel rested from it.

I was feeling a bit stress this week about the kids being home all summer and me trying to keep my training in check so I can go into the fall strong. I was chatting with a friend about it this AM on my first early, early run. She told me to stop overthinking it and take it one day at a time. Which is totally sound advice and I need to remember that day in a day out and not get caught up in the stress of how will I manage.

One good thing is we have been hitting the pool the last couple of days and that is amazing for the legs..woo hoo! I am thinking a swim will help my legs recovery from all these before dawn runs. I just have to get back into this routine of early runs and days lazinen-it up at the pool during day. Not a bad life for sure just less focused and hurried.

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