Thursday, July 19, 2012

Keep On Keeping On

The humidity and dew point upped its ante over the course of the past 2 weeks. Running in dew points over 70 - can wipe you out and leave you for died.

That is how I felt early in the week. Pretty tired and beat up!

I was feeling the fatigue on a big workout day - Tuesday. Not sure if I was mentally or phyiscally in the right state to attempt this big workout. The warm-up was basically YUCK!!! Which didn't help me mentally or phyiscally.

I decide to go inside and use the treadmill for my 8 mile tempo as it just wasn't going to happen outdoors with temps at 80, 100% humidity and dew point at 73.

I jumped on the treadmill and thought lets see what I can do.

Workout was an alternating tempo from 7:05 - 6:50 over 8 miles.

Hit 7:08, 6:53, 7:05, 6:49 and the wheels starting coming off..fatigue, emotional frustration, head spinning and started to feel dizzy. I made a emotional decision to stop & got off the treadmill crying a bit and sweating a lot. Tried to figure out what I was going to do - finish it or call it a day. After I caught my breath and wiped the tears and sweat from my face, I decide to finish it up by breaking the final 4 miles in to 2 mile tempo intervals with 3 minute rest. Not easy but I think at this point it was more mentality doable. Ran 1 set @ 7:05 & 6:50 & 2nd set @ 7:05 & 6:48.

So I am pretty happy to be running these times even though the workout didn't go perfectly - I am proud of myself for pushing through and making the most of what I had on that day.

I am thankful that for the wonderful family & friends that remind me of how far I have come - thank you for the love and support that you all provide. It is so much appreciated from the bottom of my heart.

I just have to keeping on keeping on....

Dreaming of a day in the 60s with humidity lower than 80% - wow how awesome that would feel!!!

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