Sunday, July 15, 2012

Week in Review

Tough week in the books. I had some success on the track and lots of slow runs in the humidity. Finished it with one of the toughest long runs in a while. I didn't feel great when I woke up. Very tired and tummy didn't feel great but I had to get going or I wouldn't meet up with the crew of people I have been enjoying long runs with this summer. I realized I was going to be a bit late as I as super sluggish and just didn't get out the door on time. I got there and knew I would be about 5 minutes behind everyone so I just had to do the first 5-6 miles alone until people starting turning around at the halfway point. I had a drink of my sports drink and could taste the bile that was waiting to come up. By mile 2 that bile was coming up and I had a bit of vomitting on and off for the first 2-6 miles. I was just wondering what be causing this tummy upsetness. The 100% humidity and 74 percent dew point was not friendly to my body. I seem to not handle this humidty & high dew point well. Anyone I was thankful to finaling be running into people from the long run crew about 5 miles in and found people to run miles 5-12 with and only had to stay tough for miles 12-16. Anyway I never felt good, felt sick most of the time and was a soaking wet mess for all these miles. Yup! This is what getting tougher is ...

Good news on the calf front I have had 3 runs in a roll with no tightness or funkiness. Woo hoo! On Tuesday it was acting up and again so I had to get another massage. Rested in for 24 hours and did an easy & slow run on it Wednesay. It was a bit off on Thursday and Friday but I contiune with light stretching, AIS and contrast therapy and it has been great the past couple of days.

Week in Review

Monday (AM) 5 Easy (PM) 6 Easy
Tuesday 3 W/U, 8 X 150, 3 C/D
Wednesday 4 easy
Thursday (AM) 10 easy (PM) 3 easy
Friday 3 W/U, 10 X 200, 2 C/D
Saturday (AM) 7 easy (PM) 4 easy
Sunday 16

Total Miles = 68.5 Miles

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