Sunday, July 1, 2012

Making Strides in the Carolina Heat!

I really am starting to blossom in this heat. I have had a mental shift this week on how I view summer training. I realized that this heat & humidity can only make me stronger. So I am no longer just surviving it but I am flourishing in it!

I think I have found my sweet spot in training which is the 69-72 mpw range - anything below that feels like a down week anything above feels like I am starting to get weary.

Week in Review

Monday (AM) 8 easy + Strides (PM) 4 easy
Tuesday 2 w/u, 2X3 mile @6:58 1 c/d
Wednesday 6 Recovery
Thursday (AM) 10 easy (PM) 3 easy
Friday 3 w/u, 16 X 300, 2 c/d
Saturday (AM) 8 Easy (PM) 3 easy
Sunday 13 with 8 X 90 second surges @ 6:27 pace

Total Miles - 72 miles

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