Tuesday, July 3, 2012

More Work on the Treadmill

My days seem to be surrounded by lots of treadmill action these days. The heat here is really atricous and when you are logging lots of miles the heat can wear down your body and mind pretty quickly. I have come to love one particular treadmill at the local Y. It is a treadmill on the end with an overhead fan and a vent from the air conditioner. Today when I went to the my beloved treadmill was occupied. I positioned myself right near it so I could quickly own it when the runner got off. Luckily I knew the runner in question so that he knew I had dibs on it. Another reason why I like it - is it faces the magazine stand where an advertisement of a dentist office has SMILE in big letters. It is a reminder to smile and enjoy the miles even though they are on a treadmill. I am still running so it helps to always keep my attitude in check. Attitude is everything! Lots of gratitude that I have the option to run on the treadmill and keep my fitness moving in the right direction.

Onto attitude, I was thinking about my attitude lately and really working to improve it. I can see how in the past couple of months I have had this "I just have to survive this summer" attitude. In the first couple of weeks of summer with the kids out of school and heat, I was getting the work in but sort with a bad attitude. Not the usual I am so excited to do this but rather lets just get it. This attitude wore on me a bit..where was the zeal & excitement about what I am trying to accomplish? Need to harvest that excitement even if the conditions & life is presenting more obstacles. The only way I am going to get to the next level is through hard work & a positive attitude.

What about HARD WORK did I think was going to be easy, comfortable or pain-free?

I need to take the focus off how hard this shit is but focus on the goal.

Focus on it's going to be worth it!!! Every sacrifice, every hot & sweaty and uncomfortable mile or boredom enduring run on the treadmill - it is going to be worth it.

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