Friday, September 28, 2012

A day in the life

So I was trying to fit in a coffee date with a friend today so I outlined my day for myself to see if we could find a block of time to meet. I quickly realized it may not be possible unless she could run with me ro do core work with me.

Many people wonder how I fit in 70 mpw plus core & strength & sleep well at night which in my opinion is as importanst as the running.

Here is what a day looks like for me -

6:45AM - Wake-up - Get kiddies ready for school
7:30 - Kiddies are out the door- I eat & drink my coffee, do a bit on the computer
8:30 - Get ready to run (pre-run exercises/warm-up)
9:00 - Run
10:30 - Complete Run & stretch, eat, shower, & change
11:20 - Lunch school with Joey
Noon - Y - core, hips, and strength work (lucky for me the school is around the block from the Y)
1:00 - Lunch with Christian
1:30 - Run
2:20 - Stretch, Eat and quick shower
2:45 - Kids off the bus
3:00-5:00 - Wrangling Children, bit of housekeeping and a bit of chill time on couch with an ice bag or two
5:30-6:00 Dinner
6;30-7;30 - Random time - used for anything kids stuff, icing, hanging with nick, hanging with kids, reading
7:30-8:30 Bedtime Rountine
8:30 - Hang with Nick, stretch, ice
10:00 - Bedtime for me

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