Saturday, September 29, 2012

Week in Review

Wow I get to write this early as I have my first day off in 7 weeks. This is much needed too and came at the right time. I was starting to feel a bit tired and banged up this week so I will be getting extra sleep, less miles and a big mental break from miles after mile of work.

Monday 8 easy
Tuesday 2 w/u, 6 mile Progression Run, 2 c/d + Strength Work
Wednesday 7 easy
Thursday 12 easy
Friday 8 easy + core
Saturday 17 miles - 2 w/u, 3 easy, 10 Steady State, 2 c/d - I ran this as apart of local half marathon that I signed you for like 6 months ago so it workout best to use as part of a long run workout.
Sunday OFF

Total Miles - 62 miles

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