Saturday, September 22, 2012


I think flexibility is a core component of being a runner or just striving to be your best at whatever your passion.

Flexibility in the physical sense, Yes! Having the sufficient range of motion to perform your activity is vital to maintaining your longevity. It is something I place huge importance on. I intend to do this running thing and living strong a long time so I do what is neccassry to maintain my range of motion.

I am also refering to the flexibility in the mental sense. Going with the flow, allowing for life to happen, allowing for things to go off course, allowing for the day unfold in a miraclous way that does not look perfect.

Life does not happen perfectly, it happens beautifully!

A flexible mind will allow you to adapt to change, life, circumstances beyond your control, and enjoy even the unscripted moments that you wouldn't have planned but ended up so beautiful.

I think this mindset has helped me grow as a runner and as a person.

In my running, it allows me to let possibilites happen that I may have not considered when planning my run or day. It allows me to see the breakthroughs that are not visible to anyone else but me and my coach. It allows me to keep moving forward and not get derailed when events or runs to do not happen perfectly.

In my personal life, it allows me to see the gifts that God intends to bring in my life. It allows me to let go of the control and know that my life is unfolding perfectly as it suppose to be and they everyone in my life is suppose to be teaching me something - patience for that person is getting on my last nerve or immense love and compassion for a stranger that I met on the greenway that was running through her chemo treatment.

The flexibility that I allow into my life allows me to enjoy every moment, circumstance, and person - good or not so good.

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