Sunday, September 23, 2012

Week in Review

Big week mileage wise but a bit shaded by the increase in wheezing and fighting through Fall allergy season.

The beginning of the week start great with the rain showers bringing allergen levels to point where I had easy breathing. Monday through Wednesday :-) were really great days! Than I start to feeling it my lungs and body working harder over all by Thursday.

I am feeling very good energy level wise which is super surprising. My legs are a bit tired but overall my body feels really great and is adapting well to this mileage level. I have 4 weeks to Detroit and 12 weeks to Jacksonville so it is a great base to build off of :-) Praying for another patch of rain showers to help me with a few good breathing days.

Monday 8 easy
Tuesday 2 w/u, 2 X 4miles @ 1st- 7:02, 7:03, 7:03, 6:55 2nd Set -7:03, 7:03, 7:03, 6:45, 2 C/D
Wednesday (AM) 5 easy (PM) 4 easy
Thursday 12 easy
Friday 9 easy
Saturday 10 with 6 MP
Sunday 18 miles with 4 MP

78 Miles

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