Friday, September 7, 2012

I LOVE the work I get to do

I love the work I get to do! I just had to say that as I have been feeling it in my heart for the past two weeks. So blessed and happy! Kids are back to school and I am training pretty regularly with just a couple bumps in the road this week.

Okay I have to say it again - I LOVE THE WORK I GET TO DO!!!

I love that I am living my dream life!

Really balancing childcare and training during the school year is such awesome bag of having the best of both worlds.

I get to get up with my kiddie kats, snuggle them and send them off to school feeling loved and cherished. Than I get to focus on me and what needs to happen in my training for that day. I can get to go to the grocery store and get a constant supply of fresh food. Than be home for those kiddie kats to have a safe & loving place to come home to after school where they can unwind and play with friends.

Than I get to put them to bed at a decent time, maybe get in that second run or stretch session while spending time with hubby.

I LOVE THIS LIFE!! It is simple and pretty boring to some but for me, it is the life I dreamed of living!!

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