Sunday, September 9, 2012

Week in review

I am excited to write this week in review cause I had a really good week where I hit everything mileage and workout times.

Monday 7 recovery
Tuesday 9 easy
Wednesday 2 w/u, 8 miles - 7:13, 6;58, 7:13, 6:55, 7:19, 7:03, 7:13, 6:49, 1 c/d
Thursday 5 Recovery (AM) 4 Easy (PM)
Friday (AM) 10 easy (PM) 3 Recovery (SLOW)
Saturday 10 with 8 @MP - 7:35, 7:30, 7:30, 7:30, 7:28, 7:24, 7:19, 6:54
Sunday 16 easy with 7X90 second surges @ 6:30 pace

Mileage total - 75 Miles

1 comment:

  1. Awesome week girl! Makes me feel charged up to start training again. Once these feet of mine heal. ;) Hope you have another great week coming up. Way to finish that last MP in sub 7.
