Monday, October 29, 2012

Doubling Up

Fall is here and I doubled - Life is good!!

I wasn't suppose to double but when given the opportunity to use the AlterG a second time in the day. What is a girl suppose to do? Really - come on, easy decision. So just over 12 miles on the day between to AlterG sessions. Still waiting to see what Jeff has to say about that when all I had on my schedule was a measly 6 miles.

I felt really good today. No heavy legs and no lack of energy so hoping keeping it easy all week will keep the happy legs trend up. Medial shin is feeling worlds better. The sore spot is one of the tendons that run along ankle/medial part of the leg. Hoping the contiuned icing regime and one more day on the AlterG will have me on the road on Wednesday.

Ready to start grinding out the miles again! The weather is now perfect for running (for me anyways).

Hope you all are having great runs!

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