Thursday, November 1, 2012

Love & Support

Another very personal post coming on here -

This AM I was having a little heart to heart with my hubby after kids left for school and he was getting ready to leave for work. I think I had been over-thinking some things in my head and it was causing me some doubts about moving forward & in which direction. My husband asked me how long I was going to be doing this for because me being upset and discouraged sometimes does not make him that happy. We would love to see me smiling 24/7. My answer was I have no idea but know that I am suppose to be here going through all this and have no idea where it will take us. Yes, I have hopes and goals but I am also wise enough to know that goals are just destinations that came sometimes get detoured along the way to get a life lesson to strengthen the journey.

After his departed to work, I couldn't but help but over-think his comments. Do all women do this or just me? HA! Anyway I sent him a message basically telling him I needed him to believe in me. I have no idea how long we will be on this journey for but need him 100% in my court.

His response - Simple & Sweet

I love you. Never doubt you. Keep on being awesome and getting after it!!

Sometimes all you need is one person to believe in you to renew your heart and spirit! Wherever this journey takes me and my family and whatever I accomplish it was not the force of one person but the heart and voice of my family that constantly are nourishing my spirit with their love and belief and of the friends that send notes of encouragement and belief.

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