Friday, October 5, 2012

Possible Answer

So I have had some fatigue and struggling with breathing out, feeling winded a lot and off on & off throughout the summer and in the last couple of weeks. Yes, mileage would explain some of it and allergies some of it as well but after having a couple recovery days, I still have had that feeling of fatigue, trying to get air on easy runs and even slowing the pace down on easy days doesn't neccassary keep it me from struggling. I had been linking it too the asthma/allergy season but the allergen/pollen level has gone way down and I was still struggling for air. Also the energy level and fatigued feeling was becoming an issue over the past couple of weeks. I thought I hadn't been taking in enough calories and starting eating even when I was not hungry to make sure calories were coming in. BLah! I am now pretty I packed a couple pounds from that experiment but not worry as it will easily come off with the next few weeks climbing back in miles. But all roads have left me wondering "what the heck?"

After having discussion with my coach, we concluded that iron might the issue. UGH! I haven't been really thought about it. I hadn't been supplementing and I thought I was getting enough red meat in my diet but I can't say "Yup, for sure I have been good at that".

I actually have many of the symptoms of low iron and have 3 of the for risk factors
for developing low iron.

1 - Running in Hot & Humid climate
2 - High Mileage
3 - Female

So I went on a liquid iron supplement yesterday. My coach said it should kick in by next week and I should be starting to feel worlds better.

This actually explains a lot. As I remember when I came home from my cruise in May where I had steak for most dinners on the cruise, in the weeks following my cruise I was flying through workouts with relative ease and than started to get increasingly fatigued and worn as the summer weeks worn on. I thought it was running in the humidity but probably was developing aneima.

Here is to the awesome weeks of ahead with fingerscrossed - lower temps, lower allergen levels, lower humidity and HIGHER Iron/ferritin levels!!

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