Saturday, October 6, 2012

Ready, Set, Go

Well my down week is almost coming to a close, I am feeling very rested and relaxed. I am ready to go for this next week of hard training before my sort of taper for Detroit. If you call 60 mpw a taper than that is my taper :-)

It is amazing that by the end of the week I feel very mentally refreshed and excited to hit the hard work coming in the next 6-8 weeks. Something really changed in the last two days - low pollen levels, weather, iron intake, rest - not sure what exactly or all of it but I felt like myself today during a run - no struggling for air, no clammy or feverish feeling, or general fatigue.

I am super eager to get back up to full training speed. I look forward to seeing where my fitness in is Detroit than taking that into a 6 week marathon training block where I get to do my favorite type of work in the most wonderful running conditions. I have waited almost 7 months to get back to the running I love. Cool conditions where I get to push the envelope of what is possible. I have run through heat & humidity for most of the 7 months, I have spent more time on the treadmill in boredom, I have grinded out miles while struggling with asthma & allergies all to be in prime marathon condition where finally all those things that held me back will be no more.

Maybe all that was just to toughen me up to be able hurt more in the marathon. I think I really learned over the last 7 months to get comfortable with being uncomfortable which I think is something you have to experience more times over to be able to transfer it to race day.

Let the good times roll!

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