Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I believe in miracles! I see miracles!

I keep meaning to write about this and truly believe it was my miracle. The weekend of Thanksgiving my daughter made me another one of her book marks. Little did I know that the words she would write me on the Thanksgiving Eve would have the power to pull me through a tough weekend and give me the emotional power to believe in something that seems illogical. I will to do a vlog later so that you can see the book mark but it read - Believe in Yourself, Believe, Believe in your Dreams

Yes, I was speechless when she handed it to me. I was like Joey where do you hear these words and her response was I just thought them in my head.

It was really miraculous that she had written these words down. Little did I know that I would need these words in the next few days as I literally start struggling with my iron and my leg would be flared bad and which would prevent me from running 2 important runs in prep for Jacksonville. Even when my mind would want to dwell on the impossiblites of all this my heart would sing just believe something good is coming.

I believe in Miracles! I see Miracles!

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