Monday, December 3, 2012

Settle Down

There is this song that when I hear it I often feel as if this is the song my husband would sing to me to comfort me through all lifes ups and downs.

Especially over my bumpy last couple of months when I have been struggling. My sweet hubby always there to comfort and help me set aside doubt and fear. Helping me to settle down and navigate the uncertain waters that I try to swim in. Somehow he always know how to help me and I feel so blessed :-) Somehow I feel like God/Universe knew I would need such selfless, loving, and kind man to help me reach my potential. What a gift!! I am reveling in gratitude for this beautiful man and the amazing gift that I have received from the heavens above. He is my anchor! He allows me to fly as high I need to and always at arms reach should I need a hand to pick me up if I fall or a shoulder to cry or a heart to listen to me. Love it is a beautiful thing! I count my blessings that found my soul mate 16 yrs ago and that God has strengthen our bond over the years.

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