Sunday, June 23, 2013

Getting Back Up


For me this race signified a return to health. I knew going it was just going to be a stepping stone and that ultimately that I wanted it to be fun. It was my comeback race!

I got exactly what I signed up for within the first mile somehow I managed to amass a random group of marathon misfits that we would go onto tease, joke, amuse and inspire each other for the next 18 miles. I even manage to recite "oh the places you will go" to the group at mile 13. The group was formed somewhere between mile 1-2. We had 6 in our group initially and people would gravitate in and out of our group as miles clicked by. We bantered on with each other, with surrounding runners and with the cheering crowds. I realized by mile 16 that was doing too much talking & goofing off and not enough focusing. I knew the real work was coming soon so I told the group I was done with the chit chat and needed to put head phones in. We sort of keep sync with each other for the next couple of miles but a couple people moved on ahead and few dropped off the back. By mile 20, I knew I was on my own. I had kept the pace pretty good but the hills in the miles 20-23 sort of slowed me a bit and I was losing 5-10 secs mile and my chest had been feeling restricted in the last half the marathon and the restricted feeling increased in the last few miles. My energy was still high and I had no muscle fatigue but was struggled to get in enough air. Even though we had perfect temps and misty overcast skies, the humidity was high which always aggravates my chest. So I worked to stay calm and keep the legs moving in the last 6 miles. I was super happy as the goal was 3:30-3:32.

My splits
1 - 8:00
2 - 8:00
3 - 7:58
4 - 7:56
5 - 7:55
6  - 8:01
7 - 8:01
8 - 8:03
9 - 8:01
10 - 7:47
11 - 8:04
12 - 7:53
13 - 7:57
14 - 7:59
15 - 8:00
16 - 7:58
17 - 7:59
18 - 8:04
19 - 7:54
20 - 8:07
21 - 8:07
22 - 8:06
23 - 8:17
24 - 8:11
25 - 8:15
26 - 8:07
.5 - 7:30

End time 3:32:46

After looking at my splits, I totally see how I let the fun and games in the early miles let me get a little fast that cost me a minute on the back half. But than again I would never trade those moments of fun for minutes.

This race was exactly what it needed to be. A race to renew my hopes and a day to celebrate overcoming! I shared these memories with my dear friend and my coach which made the day all the more special.

I am coming back! By the fall, I hope to have my health optimal and be ready to bust out a PR!

There is power in the get back UP!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! Congrats on a fantastic race and congrats on being healthy. I am so proud of you. :-)
