Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Whats Next?

Okay 2 days post marathon and I am getting antsy. I know I am suppose to be resting and taking it easy and I am. I floated in and out of bed all day on Monday. When my husband arrived home from work, he asked my son where is your mom? He said back in bed, she has been in pajamas all day. Ah! lazy days of summer and where do I pick up my mom of the year award for that day. AH! To my defense my daughter was at a play date and my son had a friend over so I steeled away to the comfort of my bed lots all in the name of recovery.

Anyway after my day of rest, I woke up today antsy but took it easy again. But I did a much better job in the mommy department. We made it to Chuckie Cheese, the pool, McAlisters and TCBY. By the evening tonight though, I am pondering okay those recovery days were nice but I want to run and train again. I am super excited for what the future holds. But alas, I will continue to rest and take it easy this week.

While at the pool, I listen to friends plan their runs for the week.  I am both happy I won't be waking early also disheveled about not having a running groove for a while to return to. I know this is for the best and will keep to the recovery. So I will just keep to the yoga & pondering..what is next?

I am thinking about training for a half in the fall and practice racing with some shorter distances. Than working on the marathon for mid-December. All this means giving up Chicago. I am not 100% ready to do that yet but it is what I am leaning towards. Who knows...

But I will pondering that big question all week..what is next?

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