Sunday, November 30, 2014

Weeks in Review - It has been too long - I know!

Focus on the  journey not the destination #93627

I am going to do that last 2 weeks in review in one post. I need to keep writing in here as I am really feeling like I am growing a lot not particularly in my running per see but mental shifts I have made that are exciting me. Even huge emotional and personal growth since Chicago which feels really good.

I have gotten to that place of surrender and completely content with where I am. I know no longer feel that angst about feeling like I should be in some other place with my running.

Right here, Right now, what is here and happening is the only important thing to me.

It is sounds cliche and I have written about it before but my soul and spirit really get it now!

Focus on the journey and not the destination! How many time do you see this written or piece of advice given? Yeah, Yeah, Yeah - It's the journey not the destination. Right?

Well I get it now! I see the value in just enjoying myself where I am at and getting there isn't why I am going on this journey. I am going because I am suppose enjoy the process of becoming and be happy with adventure of it all. The people, the places, the experiences....

I am learning, growing and expanding!

This is why I set out on this journey in the first place.

It is the becoming and journey that makes the story so wonderful and beautiful!

How many times does a story start with I decided to accomplish this goal and than I did - The End.

NO!! Boring! Really??? Who want to read a story like that? Who want to live a story like that?

It is the pages filled with hope, hurt, determination, obstacles, joy, happiness, and the overcoming that make the story beautiful, wonderful and worth the journey.

This blog and my life story is about all that.

My mental focus will be on making the most out of my adventures and opportunities and one day I will arrival at my goal, Until than I plan on making the most delish, fun, happy, adventure that I can!

Our purpose in this life is to (try) and enjoy every moment.

Last weeks of miles -

Monday 9 miles - 7 x 3 minute fartlek at 6:18 pace with 3 minute easy running recovery
Tuesday AM 6.50 easy  PM 6 easy
Wednesday 11 easy
Thursday AM 7.5 easy PM 4.5 easy
Friday AM -16 miles (10 at 7:30 average) - PM 4.5 easy
Saturday 6 easy
Sunday 10 miles easy

Total - 80 miles

This week of miles -

Monday 11 miles fartlek - 4 x 8 minutes at 6:30 pace with 3 minutes if easy running between
Tuesday 10.5 easy
Wednesday 10 easy
Thursday 10.5 easy
Friday 18 easy
Saturday 7 easy
Sunday 10 easy

Total miles -78 miles

AM PROUD OF EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU!!!!  ♥♥♥SHARE so you can find it on your time-line♥♥♥✽  Join My motivational weight loss Group click here >>>> nsifyme/  Order Your Skinny Fiber from me Here -->>  FOLLOW ME or send a friend request ✻ღ ₡ღ✻ click here --->>> n.kjensifyme.sbc Become A Distributor, Business Opportunity - Take 5 Minutes Watch This short video then INBOX me with a PM & Let’s Get You Started!http://kjensify56.1greatmovie.c om/  "LIKE" My Fan Page: to Get Your Skinny Fiber On. e.sbc

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