Sunday, December 7, 2014

Week in Review: Be Happy Where you are on the way to where you want to be

The secret of being happy

This is me tapering for Kiawah :-) Still putting in some miles but mostly keeping them easy. I was feeling off at the beginning of the week with low body temps (thyroid) so I pushed my workout till Tuesday and was rewarded with feeling fast and smooth on my fartlek reps. I could have done several more with ease which is great sign. I needed that one extra day of recovery.

So this is my 2 weeks out from Kiawah taper week which I think it is great. Not going overboard on tapering and making myself crazy without the miles. This is sort like a 10 day steep taper which I feel better suits me.

Week in Review

Monday 11.50 easy
Tuesday 11 with 8 x 3 minute fartlek at 6;18 with 2 minute easy recovery
Wednesday 7 miles easy
Thursday 8 miles easy
Friday 10.20 easy
Saturday 3 miles easy
Sunday 7.50

Total - 59 miles

6 days to the Kiawah Island marathon - Basically this quote below is my state of mind regarding it.

I am always dreaming of that day where I can run feeling amazing! I hope it is that day but whatever kind of day I still will enjoy the hell out this part of my adventure.

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