I took the summer off mostly with occasional runs but with it being so hot. I didn't feel bad at all about taking the time off. I started to notice in July more time and more times that I was feeling pretty good overall with no more weird symptoms that I had been experiencing most of 2015 and into 2016.
By the end of July right before we went on vacation, I jumped on the treadmill to test how I felt.
So running gives me the best indication of how my body is functioning that is why I decided to test it. I ran 2 miles easy than a strong tempo averaging 7:25 for 25 minute pace and than a short cool down. I wasn't struggling, no weird clammy feeling or feeling out of shape. The pace came easy almost so that I thought I could press but I didn't want to push too hard out the gate.
It gave me hope that my fitness is under there waiting to be taped into!
Than I planned my comeback after vacation and kids back to school only to be thwarted by a turned ankle 30 minutes into an easy run.
I took two weeks off! I kept positive!
Today I tested the ankle with a workout on the treadmill!
Wow I know it isn't blow your socks off fast but it came super easy. I had no hypoglycemic issues and no low dips in energy. Smooth Sailing!
Here is the workout -
3 miles warm up, 4 x 1 mile with 60 secs walk recovery at 7;31, 7;29, 7:29, 7:26. 2 mile cool down
I am pleased!
I am really not sure what I want to do running wise. I have yet to be inspired to sign up for a race. I think being burned by signing up for so many races last year and not being able to run them has me gun shy.
So I will keep running, training, doing yoga and writing until I find something inspiring that inspires me that I just have to do. I will wait on the universe to line something up for me but until I will keep working. Sometimes is okay not to know and just wait but you have to be motion for that inspiration to find you!

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