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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Bayshore Race Report

It's okay to struggle, just never give up on yourself.

So I am literally forcing myself to write this as I need to get out what I am feeling and writing always helps me to do so.

I felt very hopeful in the days leading up to Bayshore that I would feel as good on race day as I had felt in some of my awesome workout days. I had a slight glitch about 4 days out from the marathon that I tried to say positive about and not worry about.

Here is it, so if you read this blog for any period of time you know that I an autoimmune disorder called Hashimotos. It can make my swing from hyper-thyroid to hypo-thyroid states and for periods of time I can be normal. I manage the disorder with diet and other natural ways. I do not take hormone meds as they always makes things worse. So anyway I monitor my metabolic (thyroid) health by taking my rising temps everyday. If they are higher than normal, I know that my body is in a hyper state and if lower than I am hypo and normal is normal.

So long story short, I had been normal for weeks and about 4 days before I noticed a 1 degree increase but luckily I wasn't experiencing the rapid heart rate and breathlessness that I usually feel when I am hyperthyroid. So I was staying positive that even if I was hyper at the moment that it was a mild swing and it would be good on race day. I felt great in most all way so I was staying super positive that all would be fine on race day

At the start of the race and in the first few miles, I never felt good but kept hoping I would feel better as the miles clicked by. That can happen to me when the first couple miles of a workout feel difficult and than it turns and I feel great. So I was hoping for that but it just never happened. I feel like I was working really hard and difficult to get air.

I also wonder if the allergy/pollen level had anything to do with that as it was bloom season in Traverse City as they were just starting to get their spring.

Either way thyroid or allergy season, I just did not feel good.

I did make a pacing error in the first 6 miles. I had planned to go out about 10-15 seconds slower than I actually did go out. My garmin wasn't working in the first couple of miles so I relied on my speedy friend to pace us through the first few miles and I let the pace get quicker than planned. As soon as I realized that I was going too fast, I let my friend go and try to resettle into my race plan. I do not think my fade at the end would have been as bad if those first miles didn't go out so quick.

I was grinding these miles away on mental will not to let another marathon end up in a DNF. I really thought crap what the heck at mile 16. I felt so relieved when I saw the 20 mile sign know I would finish this one. I finished with a time of 3:32:18 - yup that ties my PR exactly to the second :-) and my 3rd 3:32.

I have so mixed emotions on this race. I was very happy and relieved that I was able to finish and not fall completely apart. I was satisfied with how I performed mentally but part of me is questioning why it wasn't there. I gave it my best shot and know that it is just a step in my journey.

I have another marathon on the horizon, so we shall see if I can get lucky :-) I can shake this one off and set my mind and focus on the whats to come. Keep moving forward!

And at the end of the day, I know I am beyond blessed to be pursing my passion and crossing finish lines at all. Bayshore marked my 16th marathon in 5 years.

For now it is a bit of recovery..........

Never be afraid to shoot cause you'll never know if you make it unless you shoot it.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Week in Review: Less than a week...

Zen stone - Reposez-vous! http://lamaisonduchai.com/bien-etre-notre-concept.html

With one week to go to Bayshore. I am trying to rest and get excited. These last couple of weeks with life have been busy and leaving me very little mental and emotional energy to focus on this goal. So my goal for this week it is stay centered and relaxed and get focused on accomplishing my goal.

Last week was a pretty good week running-wise. I tapered and tapering much more smartly :-)

Monday 6.5 Easy
Tuesday 14 with 8 @ 7;03
Wednesday 6 Easy
Thursday 7.25 Easy
Friday Off
Saturday 10 with 8 (maybe 9 - lost count) x 1 minute Fartlek @ 6:15-6:25 with 4-5 minutes easy running @ 8:00-8:16 pace
Sunday Off

I wasn't planning on taking Sunday off but I was wiped out in many ways from a busy week last week. So I rested.

Looking forward to a week where I place priority on relaxing a bit and not letting life get to me so much.

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Monday, May 12, 2014

Week in Review - 2 weeks till Bayshore Marathon

2014 - TCTC Bayshore Marathon and 10K registration opens Sunday, December 8 @ 9 am

Wow..2 weeks till my goal marathon that I feel like I have been working towards for a year especially after having a great fall training season that climaxed into a dismal early Winter marathon yuck at Kiawah and a DNF at Charleston Marathon.

I had worked hard in the fall on my speed and getting my thyroid issues in order. Only to have a hyper-thyroid swing right before Kiawah that stuck with me and got worse at Charleston. (I had no business being on that course in Charleston but I couldn't let go of the hope that I might feel good on race day).

After these 2 marathons gone bust, I did what I always do, I moved on! I started my next training cycle. For 90% training, I have felt great. I have had a few minor hypo and hyper swings but mostly I have felt great.

I have high hopes for Bayshore. I will not lie and say I don't. I have dreamed of times that I could run if my ducks line up. I have run 3 20 milers, 1 26.2, countless speed and tempo workouts, 14 weeks of solid mileage all behind me. I know I have done the work, prepared my body the best I can for this marathon. I have prepared by mind for the grind of the last 10K. I have controlled what I can control. The rest I leave up to the higher powers that will determine race day weather and all those things you just can not foresee or control. I will go in with a flexible mind and be ready to adapt to whatever happens.

If it is meant to be my day, I will be in the perfect place mind, body and soul to seize the opportunity.

Ignore the risk and take the fall to see if its meant to be 

Week in Review

Monday - 17 Miles @ 7:37 - 12 miles @7:05 pace
Tuesday - 7 Miles Recovery
Wednesday - 9 Miles Recovery @9:08
Thursday - 10 miles with 3 X 2 miles @ 6:28-6:31 with 2 minutes recovery jog - Treadmill
Friday - 12 @8:48
Saturday OFF
Sunday - 9 Miles

Total - 64 miles

#ocean #is #where #my #home #is

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Believe. Obey. Endure

I have been wanting to write something in my blog lately and have not been sure of the topic but something came to mind today while hammering a hard workout.

Simply reminding myself to Obey. Believe. Endure

Believe, Obey, Endure - President Thomas S. Monson given in the General Young Women Meeting on March 24, 2012.

I can go through times where I even doubt the course I have set sail on. I have worked my tail off in the last 2 years and have not had a race time yet to prove how fit I am. I still on occasion go through swings in hormone levels which makes running to my potential impossible. I so do not like having explain to friends and family that are cheering me on that my hormone levels are off and so my race sucked. Sometimes I let the frustration and doubt be bigger than my Belief and Faith. 

But I also know I am on the right path and I need to stay the course no matter how many times it does not work out. I know that all my hard work is making a difference and that one day it will all come together if I believe. obey and endure.

Back to my workouts today when I visited the hurt locker and used this mantra to give me strength to run this workout - 
4 miles easy, than fartlek 3x(3 minutes @ 6:03 pace, 2 minutes @ 5:56, 90 seconds @5:52, 1 minute @5:49 pace with equal recovery jog) 1 mile cool-down 

These are the days that keep me going and remind me that it is all worth it!

Persevere-the will to overcome any obstacle you may have in front of you.